Father Richard Ho Lung steps down

Father Richard Ho Lung, who has been at the helm of The Missionaries of the Poor since 1981, has stepped down.

He is being replaced by Brother Augusto Silot Junior who was elected as the new superior general on March 25.

Brother Augusto says he arrived in the island on April 4 from the Munroe Mission in North Carolina, USA, where he served as mission superior.

He says he has been accepted by his brothers in his new post even though he is much younger than the age prescribed by the catholic constitution for a superior general.

He explains that constitution of the missionaries and regulations of the poor is that you must be 40 years old to hold the position.

Brother Augusto will serve a two to three year term before relinquishing his title to someone else.

Brother Augusto says Father Ho Lung decided to step aside because he wanted to pass on the responsibility and leadership to the younger generation.


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