No transshipment port at Fort Augusta

Prime Minister Portia Simpson Miller has indicated that the mega project to construct a new transshipment port at Fort Augusta is to be shifted.

In her contribution to the Budget Debate Simpson Miller disclosed that China Harbour Engineering Company, which is to undertake the project, has indicated that the lands at Fort Augusta are insufficient for its plans.

China Harbour and the Port Authority of Jamaica had signed an Memorandum of Understanding to explore the plans to establish a new transshipment port at Fort Augusta.

Simpson Miller said because of the land issues the company has indicated that it no longer has an interest in the project as it is. 

She said a new construction site is needed to accommodate the planned investment by China Harbour.

Simpson Miller said the project is to be implemented over a five year period and will see the construction of transshipment facilities, a logistics centre, industrial plants, a cement plant and possibly a power plant.

She said some 2,000 workers are to be employed during constructions and another 10,000 jobs are to be created when the project is completed.


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