Gays create new version of Bible

A group of homosexuals are allegedly introducing a new version of God’s word in a way that is more favourable to the gay and lesbian community.


According to several reports, a new version of the King James Bible has been re-interpreted by gay editors overseas in a new adaptation of the holy book, called the Queen James Bible. The main source of this book is unknown. However, the book is currently available on for a retail price of US$35 and, according to their website, seeks to clarify a "long-standing interpretive ambiguity in key Bible passages regarding homosexuality."


One of the amended verses was Genesis 19:5, which reads, "And they called unto Lot, and said unto him, Where are the men which came in to thee this night? Bring them out unto us that we may know them". In its amended form, it now reads "And they called unto Lot, and said unto him, Where are the men which came in to thee this night? Bring them out unto us, that we may rape and humiliate them.”


The King James Bible has been known as one of the most outspoken documents denouncing same-sex unions. However, creators of the Queen James version claim they came up with the name due to the alleged number of homosexual relationships that King James had.


Jamaican book outlets such as Kingston Bookshop and Sangster’s BookShop insist they were unaware that the Queen James Bible exists. As a result, they are unsure whether or not they will introduce this text to the local market.


The book has triggered outrage amongst Jamaican pastors. One such pastor, Philbert Johnson told the Jamaica STAR, "Man should not add or subtract from the word of God as they will pay the ultimate price, which is enshrined in Revelation 22:19.”


Jamaica Association of Evangelicals vice-president, Peter Garth says that while the Church will not be affected by this biblical text, it makes a mockery of God’s Word.


"This sounds like a grand circus and if you change the word to fit your lifestyle then you have tainted the word," he said.


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