Smugglers' Jeep Gets Stuck On US Border Fence

Despite building intricate ramps, a gang of smugglers are forced to flee as their Jeep gets wedged on top of the US border fence.


Smugglers had built ramps either side of the border fence

Suspected Mexican smugglers had to abandon their attempt to get into the US after the 4x4 they were in got stuck on top of the 14ft border fence.


US Border Patrol spokesman Spencer Tippets said agents spotted the SUV perched on top of the fence on Tuesday at the border between Arizona and California.


Two people on the Mexican side were trying to free the Jeep when the agents approached. They ran further into Mexico.


The Jeep was empty, but agents say it was probably filled with contraband like marijuana before it got stuck.


The smugglers had built ramps that looked like long ladders to drive up and over the fence.



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