Hands Of Haiti Art Exhibit Debuts At MIA

A relief program to support Haitian artists affected by the country’s devastating earthquake in January has resulted in Hands of Haiti, an exhibit featuring more than 60 major works by artists living in Haiti who have continued their craft despite their challenging circumstances.


The exhibit, which will be on display for the first time ever at Miami International Airport’s South Terminal Gallery from September 2, 2010 to March 2011, will feature works of cut metal, woven sequined flags, sculptures made from discarded urban materials, carnival masks, clay pottery and photography.

The Haitian Cultural Arts Alliance (HCAA), a not-for-profit foundation based in Miami’s Little Haiti area, created the Haitian Art Relief Fund (HARF) soon after the January earthquake to help preserve Haitian art treasures salvaged from the devastation and to support the ongoing work of artists living in Haiti. Edouard Duval Carrié, Artist/Director of HCAA, asked local artists to donate artwork that was sold at a special pavilion at the Arte America Art Fair in Miami Beach in March. The proceeds from those donations have helped fund the Hands of Haiti exhibit.

“We are pleased to present Hands of Haiti in the recently built South Terminal Gallery, where millions of travelers who visit Miami will be greeted by some of the best production Haiti has to offer,” says Carrié. “The collaboration between the HCAA and Miami International Airport serves to honor artists that deserve attention not only for their masterful work but for their rather particular stories of survival and resilience.”

Yolanda Sánchez, Fine Arts and Cultural Affairs Director at MIA, adds: “It is our collective hope that Hands of Haiti will promote awareness and interest in the arts of Haiti and will encourage artisans to continue the development of their artistic heritage and traditions. This exhibition is a testament to the Haitian spirit, their optimism and their love of life. ”

MIA’s South Terminal Gallery is located pre-security at the Terminal J International Greeter’s Lobby on the fourth floor mezzanine.


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