UK Begins Planning for 50th Anniversary Celebrations

The first meeting to plan the celebrations and commemoration in the United Kingdom (UK) of Jamaica's 50th anniversary of Independence in 2012, was held on August 17, at the Jamaican High Commission, in London.


The Jamaica 2012 planning committee is chaired by High Commissioner to the United Kingdom, His Excellency Anthony Johnson.


Tuesday's meeting at the High Commission also included representatives of the Jamaican Diaspora and the Jamaican business community in the UK.


High Commissioner Johnson said the meeting was a positive start, following discussions with the Minister of Youth, Sports and Culture, Hon. Olivia Grange.


The Jamaica 2012 planning committee will explore and develop the plans to celebrate Jamaica's Golden Jubilee and the committee has already identified nine areas of focus during the planning stage.


The areas of interest are: Education, Sport, Community Service, Business, Health, Religion, Youth, Entertainment and Politics and Government Affairs.


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