Wyclef Jean`s Presidential Bid Quashed

Haitian-born Grammy Award-winning singer, Wyclef Jean`s bid to become President of Haiti has been stopped by the country`s election council.


The council on Friday ruled that Jean did not satisfy all the legal requirements to contest the election including living in Haiti for five years before the Nov. 28 election.


Spokesman for the Council, Richard Dume, said the council accepted 19 candidacies and rejected 15 others, including Jean`s. He made the announcement late Friday in the capital, Port-au-Prince.


Jean, 40, whose parents brought him to the United States as a child at age 9, has lived off and on in Haiti in recent years.


He holds a Haitian passport, but is a U.S. resident and has lived in New Jersey since he was a teenager. But his family owns a rural home outside Port-au-Prince.


Jean cast his candidacy as a chance to use his fame to lure more international aid and foreign investment to Haiti as it struggles with rebuilding efforts after a devastating January 12 earthquake that killed up to 300,000 people. He announced August 5 on CNN's "Larry King Live" amid fanfare that he had filled out the paperwork to run for president.



Jean`s candidacy had been criticized by Hollywood actor Sean Penn, former Fugees bandmate, Pras and current Miss Haiti Universe contender, Sarodj Bertin. Other Haitians from the Bourgeoisie class say Jean does not even speak the country`s official language – French – or hold a college degree.

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