Woman launches new political party in Jamaica

Along with a small group of like thinkers, the Excelsior High School alum announced on Aug. 4 that the NNC will be a choice to vote at the next call for elections in Jamaica.


This is the second time that Blaine has publicly initiated change to venture away from endorsing the two established political entities -- People National Party (PNP) and the Jamaica Labour Party’ (JLP), which traditionally exchange leadership at intervals.

Eight years ago on Aug. 14, 2002, Blaine and another Excelsior alumna -- former attorney and talk-show host Antonette Haughton launched a third party named United People’s Party (UPP).

The two women challenged both parties offering alternatives and hope to frustrated nationals who identified with their mission.

But the party was short-lived.

The women returned to advocacy with Haughton voicing concerns in media and Blaine championing campaigns for the rights of the voiceless.

Since that time, Blaine has emerged a one-woman army fighting against poverty, disproportionate child welfare services and political hypocrisy.

She had previously toiled in support of Voluntary Organization for the Upliftment of Children (VOUCH), an organization devoted to underprivileged children.

There, Blaine was relentless in appeal to aid and educate youths.

In latter years, she positioned herself in broadcasting to host ‘On The Agenda’ on Nationwide Radio.

Now she is setting aside her broadcast venture in order to devote full attention to establish the NNC, which she contends “will be more than a political party.”

“We are in it for the long haul as we believe this is the time for this country to make a U-turn,” Blaine reportedly stated at the launch in Kingston.

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