Jamaica Tourism Minister Concerned About Drake Video

Jamaica`s tourism minister, Edmund Bartlett, says he is concerned about the portrayal of Jamaica in the new music video from Canadian-born singer Drake.


`Care has to be taken by all, including our creative artists, in portraying images of our destination and people,` Bartlett told the Gleaner. `Gun culture, while not unique to Jamaica, is not enhancing (the island`s image).`


His comments come on the heels of the release of the video for `Find Your Love,` which shows the rapper/singer being captured and presumably shot by a Jamaican gang, whose leader is played by dancehall star Mavado.


The video was shot in April in sections of Kingston and St. Andrew and stars Drake as a foreigner who falls in love with a woman who is romantically linked with a gangster named Puffy, played by Mavado.


The video begins with Drake being warned by an elderly Rastaman to stay away from her.  Drake, however, ignores the advice and continues to pursue the woman, eventually becoming intimate with her.


Puffy finds out about Drake`s transgressions and instructs his `dogs from the gully` to kidnap the rapper. Soon, Drake is surrounded by Puffy and his men — and the gangster instructs his woman, played by video model Maliah Michel, to `done him.`



The video ends with the woman apparently pointing the gun at Drake`s head before three shots are heard ringing out synched to the words `Find Your Love.` Drake is not actually shown being shot.


Mavado`s manager, Julian Jones-Griffith, said the singer is just playing a role and that the creators of the music video came to Jamaica with the concept.

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