Golf to become a tourism attraction in Cuba

Golf could become a new attraction for tourists visiting Cuba each year because of its popularity among affluent sectors and the magnificent climatic conditions all year round.


According to Spanish golfer Alvaro Quiros, currently in the 35th place in the world ranking, Cuba could be included among the Caribbean nations with opportunities to organize tournaments for amateurs and professional golfers.

Quiroz was among the athletes invited to the Second Montecristi Cup, played in the seaside resort of Varadero with the participation of 72 players from seven nations.

He said golf, recently included in the programme of the upcoming 2012 Olympic Games, helps to improve the health of practitioners, encourages personal relationships and caring for the environment.

To promote its practice in the population is essential to the creation of fields, where people and specially children and youngsters hit their first balls.

This sport requires special conditions in the playing areas such as mowed grass and abundant water to keep the color and height of the grass, which favors the movement of the ball.

He noted that the Cuban athletes have a natural talent for sports, and like in other disciplines, such as baseball and boxing where they are universal powers, in this they will also be champions.

On the fundamental characteristics of the golfers Quiros said that it is a sport that requires a lot of consistency in practice, a high technical and tactical preparation and above all work on psychological control.

Psychology plays a fundamental role in defining a place in competition, if we are emotionally unbalanced and lose concentration you lose sight of the technical objectives to use in each game situation, he said.

The first edition of the Montecristi Cup was in 2009 with the presence of Ernie Els, a representative figure of the sport, who was guest of honor at that time.


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