Haiti Could Hold Elections By Year End

Haiti should be able to hold general election by the end of this year, U.N. envoy Bill Clinton claim.


Clinton, in an interview, said the election will need to be held since the quake shattered Caribbean nation need to have a legitimate government in place to oversee its multi-billion dollar reconstruction.


`They will be able to have them,` Clinton was quoted as saying. `I expect that will be one of the things we don’t have to worry about.`


Haitian President Rene Preval has said he will not seek to extend his term in office beyond its scheduled end on February 11, 2011. But he maintains he is confident legislative elections, originally scheduled for February 28 this year, could be organized in time to ensure an orderly transition.


Presidential elections have been set for November, but it is unclear whether that will happen on schedule.


Ninety-eight of the 99 seats in the legislature’s Chamber of Deputies were to be at stake in the February election, along with one-third of the 30-member Senate. The vote for the remaining lower house seat had been set for a later date


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