6.1 Aftershock rocks Haiti

A strong aftershock measuring 6.1 on the Richter Scale struck near Port-au-Prince, Haiti this morning, even as recovery efforts continue.


According to the U.S. Geologiocal Survey, the epicenter of the aftershock was 35 miles (60 kilometers) west-southwest of the capital of Port-au-Prince.

A CNN news report states that the aftershock was the strongest to hit Haiti after the 7.0 earthquake which hit the island’s capital last week Tuesday.

CNN reported that patients at a hospital near Haiti's airport in Port-au-Prince immediately started praying as the ground shook like a ship rocking back and forth. They asked for forgiveness and protection.

The aftershock reportedly brought down some unstable buildings and caused even more fear among survivors.

Since the initial earthquake that has killed an estimated 200,000 people, the country has had over 30 aftershocks.



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