Prosecutors to Indict Michael Jackson’s Doctor, Conrad Murray
Dr. Conrad Murray does in fact have a very sordid past. He is loved by many of his patients in the Houston area, but he also has a history of failed business deals.


This history is only likely to get more sordid now that it looks like prosecutors will be indicting him as part of the probe into Michael Jackson’s death. The fact that Jackson’s death has now been officially listed as a homicide is not a good sign for Murray.


Murray is likely going to be questioned by his own attorneys about exactly how much Propofol he gave to the pop star Michael Jackson. Propofol was the drug that reportedly stopped the performer’s heart.


The Jackson family has put out a statement saying that they hope whoever killed Michael Jackson will be caught and brought to justice.


This whole ordeal is quite a fall from grace for Dr. Conrad Murray who personally was on the medical staff which was assigned to look after the well being of former Vice President Dick Cheney at one.


Conrad Murray still claims to be innocent of all formal charges and allegations. He plans to have his legal team prove his innocence in a court room.


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