Caribbean Migrants Among Those To Be Remembered On 9/11 Anniversary

The names of the over four dozen Caribbean migrants killed in the World Trade Center attack of September 11, 2001 are set to reverberate around Ground Zero again this morning,


The city will again pause today, Friday, September 11, to mark the eighth anniversary of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks and remember the names of the 2,752 people who died in the destruction of the Twin Towers.

Mayor Michael Bloomberg and other officials will be on hand for the annual ritual at Ground Zero, which will again include not just the name reading but a moment of silence to mark the impact of the two hijacked planes and the collapse of the towers.

Nationals of Guyana, Jamaica, Haiti, the Dominican Republic and Bermuda, were among those who lost their lives on the tragic day.

Among them were Guyanese nationals:  middle-order batsman, Nizam Hafiz, who worked on the 94th floor of tower one; accountant Anett Dataram, 24, called `Priya`  of Ozone Park, New York;  Ronald and Kamini Singh, who worked at Windows on the World, on the 107th floor of one of the twin towers; Shiv Shankar of Richmond Hill;  Patrick Adams, who worked at Fuji Bank as a security officer on the 89th floor; John Charles, who also worked as a security officer at the WTC; Babita Guman and Sita Shewnarine who worked on the 97th floor for Fiduciary Trust in the southern tower; Joyce and Patricia Stanton and Vanavah Thompson who was assigned to Marsh USA and was last seen on the 73rd floor.

Others were Hardai Parbhu, 42, also called Chandra, who was employed by Avon Financial Services Group, Inc, which operated from the 92nd, 100th and 105th floors of the southern tower; Ameena Rasool, who worked with the Marsh and Maskan Insurance Company on the 98th floor of one of the twin towers; Ricknauth Jaggernauth, who had been employed at NXT Interiors on the 104th floor of one of the towers; Shivonne Mentis who resided at Hollis, Queens and who worked with Marsh Enterprise on the 93rd floor in the north tower.

Dead from Bermuda was 31-year-old Rhondelle Cherie Tankard who worked at Aon Corp. in the WTC; from Jamaica, sculptor Michael Richards and from Grenada, Jeffrey Latouche, 49, who worked at Windows on the World.

Richards, 37, had a studio on the 92nd floor of the trade centre`s Tower One and spent the night of September 10, 2001, there.

Other Guyanese included Astrid Sohan, who worked with Marsh and McLennan in one of the towers; Sarah Khan, a 32-year-old mother of two who worked for Cantor Fitzgerald on the 101st floor of the north tower and she lived in South Ozone Park, New York;  Rudy Bacchus, a 48-year-old stockbroker who was attending an early morning Risk Water Conference at the Windows on World restaurant on the 107 floor; Amarnauth Latchman, who lived in Long Island and worked at the WTC complex and Pamela Boyce, 43, an assistant vice president for accounting of Carr Futures, which was located on the 29th floor.

This year`s anniversary also marks the first year that 9/11 will be recognized as a National Day of Service and Remembrance, an act signed into legislation by President Obama in April.

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