Parents Donate Organs to Daughter

A five-year-old girl is thought to be the first to receive organ transplants from both her parents.

Jasmine Mirza is recovering after being given 30% of her father Sohrab's liver and one of her mother Cathie Locke's kidneys.

Jasmine was diagnosed with liver failure at seven months before her kidneys started to fail in 2007.

Ms Locke, from Farnborough, Hampshire, said the transplants have given Jasmine "her life back".

"For me, I wasn't worried about the operation side of things," she added.

"Through all this Jasmine's health has been the main priority.

'Feels special'

"It has given her back her life as she would have still been on dialysis.

"Hopefully she has had her ups and downs early in life and it will be over."

Jasmine said "it feels very special" to have received the help from her mother and father.

Mr Mirza, 38, donated about 30% of his liver at King's College Hospital in London in 2005.

The liver tissue will grow with her, while his liver has regenerated.

When Jasmine's kidneys started failing in 2007 her father stepped in again but he was not considered a suitable donor and Ms Locke, 33, came forward.

Jasmine was given one of her mother's kidneys last October at St Thomas' Hospital in London.

She is recovering so well that she was able to go back to North Farnborough Infant School in January.

Doctors said they are not aware of any other child receiving "living" organ donations from both parents.

The NHS Blood and Transplant agency said it was very rare to receive transplants from a mother and father. BBC

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