Australia Mourns Bushfire Victims

Australia is observing a day of mourning for the victims of bushfires which swept across the state of Victoria, claiming more than 200 lives.

ImageAt a memorial service in the state's capital, Melbourne, PM Kevin Rudd said destroyed communities would be rebuilt.

Many at the service had to be bussed in from towns and villages stricken by the bushfires, having lost their cars and their homes to the flames.

Firemen continue to battle fresh blazes and some bodies are still to be found.

At least 209 people died as the worst bushfires in Australia's living memory swept through Victoria on 7 February - a day that has become known as Black Saturday.

Australia has launched its biggest-ever arson investigation into the causes of the fires.

One man has already been charged with starting one of the blazes and police suspect arson in at least one other case.

Nation in mourning

The mourning service at Melbourne's Rod Laver Arena was attended by Princess Anne, on behalf of Queen Elizabeth II, as well as Australian dignitaries and both fire survivors and rescue personnel.

Many of the 50,000 in the arena were wearing the distinctive yellow overalls of Australia's firefighters.

Mr Rudd told those gathered that Australians had stood as one through the crisis with courage, compassion and resilience.

"As a people we weep for the lost, we tend to the injured, we console the suffering, and yet our work has just begun," he said. "Let us resolve to rebuild together."

He said flags would be flown at half mast and a minute's silence would be held each 7 February to remember those who had died in the fires.

Victoria Premier John Brumby said Australians were picking up the pieces after the worst disaster in the nation's history.

"Today we are united in grief, but we are also united in our determination to recover, to rebuild, and we will rebuild," he said.

"And we will remember today and into the future all of those who lost their lives, and who gave so much on Black Saturday."

The national day of mourning began with the ringing of church bells across Victoria.

High temperatures forecast

Princess Anne paid tribute to those caught up in the tragedy.

"Individuals and towns have responded with resilience, ingenuity, courage and selflessness to situations that were changing at terrifying speed," she said.

"People from around Australia and across the world watched in horror but with admiration at their response."

The 90-minute ceremony included a minute's silence as well as performances by choirs from across Victoria.

Princess Anne is now due to visit the bushfires Incident Emergency Control Centre in Melbourne before travelling on Monday to some of the fire-devastated areas.

The blazes destroyed hundreds of properties and left thousands of people homeless.

Forecasters warn that high temperatures and wind conditions expected on Monday could worsen the situation.

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Source: BBC News

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