UK Sun Newspaper Calls Jamaica 'Druggie Paradise' - Apology Demanded

A UK based Jamaican group is demanding and apology from the Sun Newspaper, for an article in which it describes Jamaica as a ‘druggie paradise. 

Recovering Amy Whitehouse Heads To JA
Facilitators For A Better Jamaica (FFBJ), says the article suggests that the majority of hard working decent people living on the island are drug takers and pushers.

It is demanding that the Sun Newspaper immediately put out a retraction and also apologies for this irresponsible reporting.

Describing the article as ‘gutter journalism and pure sensationalism’ FFBJ  says the story, with the title Amy Off To The Isle of Druggies, based on a planned visit to Jamaica by Amy Winehouse, is wholly inaccurate and cannot be justified in the public interest and therefore should not be tolerated.

Amy Whitehouse has had a string of drugl related problems and has been  going through drug rehabilitation therapy  for some time.

The group said that while Jamaica has it's problems it is unethical of a national newspaper to stoop so low in trying to degrade a nation and its people. 

The statement from FFBJ says that while drugs and drug related crimes / violence are causing enormous problems the world over, such irresponsible reporting by one of the UK’s national daily newspaper is unforgivable.

This also must be seen in the context that the UK government has recently upgraded the classification of Cannabis amidst a public outcry following the killing of a person by a Cannabis' user.

Facilitators for A Better Jamaica said that while it will not dispute that Jamaica has had it share of problems,  the government is working hard with its international partners to tackle drugs and drugs related crime / violence on the island, to the point where officers from Scotland are now employed in Jamaica. 

FFBJ noted that because of  this article and it’s scant regard for Jamaicans and friends of Jamaica it would not be surprising if Jamaicans and friends of Jamaica in the UK stop supporting the SUN Group and ethnic minorities' communities in the UK will be called upon to follow suit.

The group says along with all well thinking Jamaicans and friends of Jamaica it is categorically demanding nothing less than a retraction of the story and a formal apology to the Government of Jamaica.
The Sun Newspaper story.


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