UK Unemployment Statistics Alarming

Joblessness all around – Statistics show that UK unemployment rose by 131,000 to 1.92 million between September and November, the highest total since September 1997.

That does not include the tens of thousands of jobs cut since November. The number of people claiming jobseeker's allowance increased by 77,900 to 1.16 million, according to the Office for National Statistics.



Employment minister Tony McNulty said the figures were "very disappointing" and predicted things would "get worse before they get better". The unemployment rate was 6.1% for the three months to the end of November, compared with 5.2% in the same period of 2007.



It is the highest jobless rate since the three months to the end of April 1999. There were 225,000 redundancies in the three month period, which is the highest level since the figure began being compiled in 1995.



"This is a very rapid pace of job shedding," said Alan Clarke at BNP Paribas. "It is still very early days in this recession and there is plenty of bad news in the pipeline."


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