Browning Dolly Gets The Boot
News an Tings - International News

Mi love mi car mi love mi bike mi love mi money an ting, but most of all mi love mi browning”-  lyrics from Buju Banton’s song 'Browning’. 

Upsy Daisy needs a tan
Now a supposedly browning  dolly in the UK, haffie teck a back seat, to make way for a darker dolly. Perhaps she needs a day at Hellshire Beach.

THE BBC is to replace a doll based on the Upsy Daisy character from CBeebies TV show In the Night Garden, following complaints it is too light-skinned.


A BBC Worldwide spokesman said it had conducted research after getting "a handful" of complaints that the doll had lighter skin than the TV character. The BBC would now bring out a version with "a darker skin tone", he said.

Manufacturer Hasbro has been asked to create a different version that will appear in stores from Easter onwards. However, the BBC Worldwide spokesman denied newspaper reports the doll had been recalled from stores. "We are not withdrawing the old doll because most people are happy with it," he said.


The brainchild of teletubbies co-creator Anne Wood and Andy Davenport, In the Night Garden has become one of the UKs most successful children's programmes since in launched on digital channel CBeebies in 2007.


Ragdoll Productions, the company behind the show, said the character had not been "intended to represent a specific race or culture".


 "The characters are toys, not representations of people," it added. "The culture they collectively embody is unique to the garden setting in which they live."


Source : the  writer :Janelle Oswald


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