Fmr Head Girl Elected Judge

Jamaica-born Gail Chang Bohr, elected as judge in the Ramsey County Dist. Court in Minnesota, US.

ImageBohr age 64, a former St Andrew High School head girl, was born in Kingston to Chinese parents who were immigrants to the West Indies. She was the ninth of 15 children.

Her parents were former owners and operators of Chang’s Emporium, one of Jamaica’s first supermarkets.

Bohr moved to the United States in 1962 to attend Wellesley College in Massachusetts on a full scholarship and earned a bachelor’s degree in sociology.

From there, she began her 19-year career in social work, earning a master’s degree from the Simmons College School of Social Work.

She was a psychiatric social worker in Boston, taught social work in Hong Kong, and was a licensed clinical social worker in California and Minnesota.

Family Advocacy

In 1987, Bohr entered law school because she believed that a law degree would strengthen her ability to advocate for children and families.

She was editor and then executive editor of William Mitchell Law Review.

The centrepiece of Bohr’s legal career has been her service as executive director of Children’s Law Centre of Minnesota, a position she has held since the centre opened in 1995.

Under her stewardship, CLC has represented more than 1,200 youth in foster care, with the assistance of a small staff and more than 250 volunteer lawyers trained by the centre.


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