Children to Benefit from Diaspora Golf Tournament

Jamaica Children Project (JCP) will be the beneficiary of the Jamaica Diaspora Golf Open to be held on June 16 at the Cinnamon Hill Golf Course in Rose Hall, Montego Bay.


The tournament will coincide with the staging of the 5th Biennial Jamaica Diaspora Conference from June 16 to 19 at the Montego Bay Convention Centre.


The JCP, which is an initiative of the Jamaica American Chamber of Commerce (JACC), benefits children in Jamaica through the provision of grants in the areas of education, housing, healthcare, and social and economic development. It was instituted in 1993.


At a recent forum at the Sunset Resort in Montego Bay, where details of the tournament were revealed, President of the JACC and the JCP, George Patsalas, expressed pleasure that the country’s children would benefit from the staging of the event.


“The funds that we gain from events like this go to organisations in Jamaica that support children, and we hope that it is a great success as children will be benefitting from it,” he stated.


The Hanover-based Western Regional Committee for the Disabled, which houses physically and mentally challenged children, is among the beneficiaries of the JCP.


It has also provided furniture for the Montpelier College Development Fund, a small high school, which caters to needy children in St. James, and assisted with renovation of classrooms, laboratory equipment and computers.


The JCP has also been working with the St. Mary’s Preparatory School, the Montego Bay Maritime Park Children’s Programme, the Mustard Seed Communities, and other educational institutions and organisations working for the welfare of children.


The golf tournament will tee off at 10:00 a.m. Registration is $10,000, and includes the green fees, golf cart, candy, taxes and service charge.


Players will have the opportunity to win a variety of prizes, including a watch from Bijoux Duty Free Shop, a Blackberry Z10 Smartphone from Digicel, or US$25,000. Reservation for the tournament may be made by calling 792-3730.


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