Jamaican Text Messaging

LOL (Laugh out loud). Naaah. BOABDL(Buss out a big dutty laugh). That's texting, Jamaican style.

1.    ANFMB          =  A no fi mi business

2.    AWDY           =  A wah do yuh?

3.    AO               =  Alms Ouse

4.  BKYT            = But kuh yuh to

5.    BPT              =  Back Pon Top

6.    BLBD            =  Bruck Like Bredda Dawg  

7.    BOAL            =  Buss Out A Laff

8.    BOABDL         =  Buss Out A Big Dutty Laff

9.    BWAP           =  But what a preckeh

10.    CAS             =  Crack A Smile

11. CYAWO        =  Cut Yeye And Wheel Out

12. CECEKCMIT   =  Cut eye cut eye kyaan cut mi in two

13. DMDPM         =  Duppy mussi deh pon mi

14. DWL             =  Dead Wid Laff

15. DWLAWUMS   =  Dead Wid Laff And Wet Up Mi Self

16. ECAC            =  Everyting cook an curry

17. FR                =  Fi Real

18. FHPN            = Favya heng pon nail

19. FLCP            =  fat like cut puss

20. GAL              =  Gimmie a link

21. HDF              =  How di family?

22. HHFD            = Her husband fayva duppy

23. KMN              = Kiss Mi Neckback

24. LIH                = Lick Innu Head

25. LM                = Likkle More

26.MHDU            = Mi have di ukubit

27. MJM              = Macca juck mi

28. MWDWY         = Mi woulda deh wid yuh

29. MPD              = Mad People Dem

30. MYOB            = Mine Yuh Own Bizniz

31. NDMT            = No draw mi tongue

32. NMMAYHN      = Noh meck mi an yuh have nutten

33. NR                = Nuff Respect

34. DPDGS          = Deh pon di gully side

35. SF                = Say Feh

36. TWY             = Tek Weh Yuself

37. WPYD            = Which part yuh deh?

38. YAM              = Yuh ave money?

39. WYC             = Wah yuh cook?

40. YDPYO          = Yuh deh pon yuh own

41. YMM             = Yuh mussi mad

42. WAMU           = What a man ugly

43. WASU           = What a sinting uley

44. WAOU           = What a ooman ugly

45. WAG             = Wah a gwaan?

46. WASPPMG     = What a sinting pon poor mi gyal

47. WYADWPP     = Wah yuh a do wid people people

48. YGE              = Yuh good eeeh?

49. YGFWMAS     = Yuh gwaan fass wid mi an see

50. YSKHWWGPB = Yuh soon know how water walk gaa punkin belly

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