11-year-old Spreads the Gospel

DOCTORS struggled to detect Romario Reid during his mother's pregnancy.

Romario Reid, 11, and his mother Cheril Reid. (Photo: Nadine Wilson)
Today, the 11-year-old, who is called "Pastor bwoy" by his friends, considers it his mission to find lost souls for the Kingdom of God.


"I would like to see more people stop backsliding, hating each other and molesting each other. I want more people to come together as one body of Christ and participate with each other, share thoughts and so on," Romario told the Sunday Observer in a recent interview.


His mother, Cheril Reid, recalled that even up to seven months into her pregnancy doctors had told her she wasn't with child.


"Everywhere I turned, I was rejected. Eventually I went to a private doctor and she too told me that she did not see where I was pregnant, so the only thing she could do was to refer me to a gynaecologist, because she had done an ultrasound and the ultrasound came back negative. When I went there (to the gynaecologist), he did an ultrasound and it was negative and he sent me somewhere else, and there was nothing," Reid recalled.


Therefore, when she finally gave birth in January of 1998, she felt it was a "miracle".


Her little "miracle" has been preaching and evangelising about Jesus - whose own miraculous birth is documented in the Bible - since he was eight years old. Reid is still amazed by her son's strength, especially since he suffered from epilepsy when he was much younger. After he was admitted three times at the Bustamante Hospital for Children, Reid was told by a nurse that there was a possibility he would become handicapped.


Fortunately, that never happened.


Romario, who is now in grade five at Yadar Kinder Preparatory School in Kingston, told the Sunday Observer that he never misses an opportunity to preach God's word, despite the ridicule from his friends, his sister and even adults.


"I mostly preach about how God saved me and how he keeps on helping people, and how everything will work out in the long run," said Romario, who is the youngest member of the evangelism team at the Faith Cathedral Deliverance Centre.


In addition to his church, Romario has preached at other local churches and in the Bahamas and Barbados. He admitted that although he gets nervous whenever he has to address a large congregation, he found strength in knowing that God was with him.


"When I get nervous, I just breathe in, breathe out and then count to 10," he said.


His latest sermon was three Sundays ago when he addressed his church during it's annual children's crusade, held during the month of May.


"Every child of God needs to start seeing someone who is lost in sin and let them know Jesus saves, He keeps and He satisfies. We need to stop worrying about the financial crisis. I know it is not easy because it is affecting me - and I am a child - so I know parents must be having it rough at times. But let me tell you something, the word of God is still as effective now as it was before the financial crisis stepped in," he noted during his sermon.


Romario said the fact that he had experienced a
difficult early childhood was foundation for his ministry. He made this clear at the annual children's crusade.


"You weren't there when the doctors gave up on me, saying I wouldn't act or learn like a normal child. You weren't there when the devil tried all that he could to kill me from in my mother's womb. Every time I see someone who is retarded as a result of fits, I say, there goes me, if it hadn't been for God's mercy," he said.


Co-pastor at the Faith Cathedral Deliverance Centre, Dr Alma Blair said she respects Romario's courage and his commitment to preaching the gospel.


"I think his ability to speak and preach surpasses his age. He is very submissive when it comes to doing God's work, and he is not afraid to tell anyone about God. He even walks with tracts in his school bag so he can distribute them," she said.

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