Puss Bruck Coaknat Inna Yuh Yie

When a Jamaican tell yuh say puss bruck coaknat in yuh yie, dem mean say yuh have ‘dry yie’.  What that mean?

Well first of all, ‘yie’ is the creole equivalent of the English ‘eye’.  But to have ‘dry yie’ has nothing to do with the absence of tears.  Your mother could have just died and you are hollering but you are still being accused of being dry yie.



Dry yie suggests  a certain brazenness. If you are committing an offence and are very daring, then you are dry yie.  Here are a few examples of dry yie.



1.    You pick a breadfruit from your neighbour’s  tree, roast  it, then him that he has  to pay for the meal. 

 2.    You steal milk from a man while sitting at his table  having breakfast, and continue to laugh and chat with him


3.    You are committing an offence and you are caught, but you continue


4.    You start dating your brother’s best friend behind his back, but you continue discussing her with him


5.    You steal  oranges from someone’s tree and sell them back to him in a roadside sale


6.    You ‘borrow’ someone’s credit card and then call them to ask for the number .



The zenith of the dry yie disposition is when in referring to you they say ‘yuh a behave like puss bruck coaknat inna yuh yie.”  


For, trust me, when puss bruck coaknat inna yuh eye it mean  dat yuh can look somebody  and smile sweetly with them, while you are digging their grave. That is the epitome of dry yie


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