T.S. Isaac - Latest Track

Tropical Storm Isaac is currently packing winds of 60 mph, but isn't very well organized. That's expected to change rather quickly as Isaac becomes a hurricane by Monday. 


A landfall along the northern Gulf Coast is expected sometime Tuesday evening, but at this time there's a lot of uncertainty as to the exact location and timing. Isaac could end up anywhere from Louisiana to the eastern Florida panhandle. We could start feeling effects from the storm as soon as late Monday. 


Indications right now say Isaac could be a Category 2 storm with winds of 100 mph by Tuesday. 


The eventual location of the landfall and intensity could change some as we move through the next couple of days. So, stay up to date on this storm as we wait for possible Watches and Warnings to be issued.


Meanwhile, many people are concerned about the rising gas prices as Isaac moves closer to the Gulf Coast.  One gas station employee in Baldwin County told News 5 she does not expect prices to inflate because of the storm.  However, some people say they have seen an increase in fuel prices.  The Texaco on Government street ran out of regular fuel.  A station employee says they only have diesel and super/premium, but more regular fuel is on the way.


The Gulf Power Company is trying to stay ahead of the storm. This morning a group of utility workers headed over to Northwest Florida for extra support should Hurricane Isaac make landfall there next week. More than 700 workers from neighboring utilities have been recruited so far to help Gulf Power remove downed trees and restore electric service if Isaac invades the region.


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