Raise The Roof On Breast Cancer

Breast Cancer is the 2nd most common cause of death among black women, surpassed only by lung cancer. While black women are less likely to be diagnosed with breast cancer than white women, they are dying in disproportionate numbers.


The incidence of breast cancer among black women is 10% lower than white women but the mortality rate is 37% higher.


100 Women of Color will come together on Thursday, November 17th from 6 to 8pm to RAISE THE ROOF ON BREAST CANCER. Gilda’s Club Women of Color Task Force is hosting this event with the support of Save the Twinz and the BankAtlantic Foundation.


The goal of the kickoff is to engage women of color to become champions in spreading the message about early detection.


This memorable evening will include Coast FM’s Tamara G., great music, food and drinks, and information about breast health. Join us if you want to learn more about the issue or if you want to help make a difference for women of color.


This free event will be held at Gilda’s Club South Florida -119 Rose Drive, Ft. Lauderdale 33316.


If you would like to attend this event or would like more information, please call Elizabeth at Gilda’s Club at 954-763-6776 or email This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it


Gilda’s Club offers free monthly workshops for women of color to answer questions about breast cancer, to reduce stress surrounding the diagnosis, and provide support. Upcoming workshops include: November 29th –Lessons in Leftovers with Chef Mel; December 13th- Spirituality and the Role it plays in treatment and recovery with Dr. Koning; January 17th- Get up and Dance: Expressive Movements with Kelly Armstead.


Gilda’s Club, was named in honor of comedian Gilda Radner who lost her battle with ovarian cancer in 1989. Gilda’s Club South Florida’s mission is to ensure that all people impacted by cancer are empowered by knowledge, strengthened by action, and sustained by community.



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