Wyclef Jean Takes Campaign To YouTube

Grammy Award-winning singer Wyclef Jean has yet to be confirmed to run for President of Haiti. But the singer turned humanitarian has already kicked off his campaign.


Wyclef Jean
Jean, 40, has taken to YouTube to launch two videos promoting his run for the country`s highest office in the November election. He this week released an extended campaign commercial with an intro titled `Wyclef Jean For President.` 


The video is a documentary of sorts of his visit to the island Thursday where he registered his intent to run and finally announced.


The video shows Jean`s `Fas a Fas` (Face to Face) movement, a push among young people to grow communities on the island and improve Haiti`s standing in the international forum. It documents his arrival via private jet to the country with his wife and daughter and follows his motorcade through the streets to a crowded area where his young supporters hold up signs of him and celebrate the announcement.


Jean has also released another video speaking to his platform, insisting  he is ready to carry a different flag for the country by stepping up as its leader and giving up five years of his life to lead.

Addressing the issue of over one million Haitians in tent cities, Jean said he thinks the solution is to create agrarian villages outside of Port-Au-Prince by giving a home and a piece of land to each family.


And he insists Haiti has to return to making agriculture a priority, by moving from an import to an export society.



Jean and 32 other people, including his uncle Ray Joseph and Singer Sweet Micky, have tossed their hat into the ring for the job. But the country`s election commission will decide on August 17th who will truly be running.

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