Police Seize World Cup Made Of Cocaine

Police in Colombia have seized a replica World Cup trophy - made from 11 kilos of cocaine.


Spot the difference? The replica cup is on the left next to the real thing
The statue - complete with engravings and painted decorations - was discovered during a security check at Bogota airport.


It was made with cocaine mixed with a moulding agent, believed to be gasoline, and was bound for an address in the Spanish capital Madrid.


It was found in a mail warehouse.


Anti-drug chief Colonel Jose Piedrahita said the 14in high replica was packed inside a box and was painted gold with green stripes on the base.


Col Piedrahita said that laboratory tests confirmed the cup was made of 11 kilos (24 pounds) of the class A drug.


The sub was seized before it could make its maiden voyage
Meanwhile, US drug enforcement officers say they have helped Ecuadorian authorities seize a submarine capable of transporting tonnes of cocaine.


The diesel electric-powered craft was built in a remote jungle and captured near a river close to the Ecuador-Colombia border.


Ecuadorian authorities seized the sub before it could make its maiden voyage.


The sophisticated camouflaged vessel has a conning tower, periscope and air-conditioning system.


It measured about three metres (9ft) high from the deck plates to the ceiling and was nearly 31 metres (100ft) long.


The US Drug Enforcement Administration said it was built for trans-oceanic drug trafficking, and one person has been detained.



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