Obama To Give Haiti Part Of Nobel Prize Money

U.S. President Barack Obama is set to donate $200,000 of his Nobel Peace Prize money to Haiti.


US Barack Obama
Obama is set to donate the portion from the $1.4 million jackpot to the Clinton-Bush Haiti Fund, to rebuild earthquake-ravaged Haiti.


A Jan. 12 earthquake wrecked Haiti and killed an estimated 200,000 people, and the U.S. is playing an active role in rebuilding the country.


President Obama also plans to give a total of $750,000 to six groups that help kids go to college. They include Fisher House, which provides housing for families with loved ones at Veterans Administration hospitals.


In addition, Obama plans to give $125,000 apiece to groups that help students go to college: College Summit, a national nonprofit that works with elementary and middle school students to boost college enrollment rates; the Posse Foundation, which gives full college scholarships to public school students who might be overlooked by traditional scholarship programs; United Negro College Fund; the Hispanic Scholarship Fund; the Appalachian Leadership and Education Foundation; and the American Indian College Fund.


He is also set to donate $100,000 to AfriCare, which funds HIV/AIDS programs, public health programs, water resource development and agriculture in 25 countries in sub-Saharan Africa and $100,000 to the Central Asia Institute, which promotes education for girls in Pakistan and Afghanistan.


Obama was surprisingly chosen for the Nobel award this year.


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