Armed Robber Finds God During Hold-Up

An armed robber in America turned to God mid-robbery in what investigators are calling the strangest case they have ever seen.


Gregory Smith, 23, walked into a store in an Indianapolis shopping centre brandishing a gun.

But instead of raiding the place, he started hugging his tearful victim, Angela Montez, telling her he hated what he was doing but had no choice.

The pair began discussing God and before long Smith was on his knees in tears, praying and being hugged by her.

He eventually stole only her mobile phone and $20 (£12).

As Smith left the shop cameras got a clear shot of his face.

He then handed himself into police after his mother saw the footage on TV.

Sergeant Kevin Wethington from Indianapolis police said: "I've been a detective for three years and I've never seen anything like it."

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