California mulls Legalising Marijuana

In 1996, voters in California approved a referendum that made it legal for the first time in decades in the US for people to consume cannabis for medicinal purposes.

The Bulldog Cafe is allowed to sell marijuana for medicinal purposes

More than a dozen states have followed suit since and several others - the most recent of which is Massachusetts - have approved laws decriminalising the possession of small amounts of the drug.


Now, there are moves afoot in California to go further to fully legalise marijuana.



Evidence of the impact that the approval of medicinal marijuana has had on some areas of California is clear in Oakland.


Across the bay from San Francisco, it has come to be known as Oaksterdam, in a nod to the symbolic global capital of marijuana deregulation, Amsterdam.


The relaxed approach to marijuana use in this part of Oakland has led to the opening of several marijuana dispensaries.


They are establishments in this once deprived area of town which sell a broad array of cannabis related products, from food products such as brownies and cereal bars laced with cannabis to traditional marijuana for smoking. - bbc


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