Jackson's Film To Have 25 Global Premieres

Simultaneous premieres are to take place for the Michael Jackson film This Is it - in more than 15 cities around the world.


Sony Pictures will host over 25 global premieres, with more than 15 of those co-ordinated simultaneously on October 27.


Cities include Los Angeles, London, New York, Berlin, Seoul and Rio de Janeiro.


The movie contains over 100 hours of footage from rehearsals for the 50 London shows Jackson had planned to do before he died in June aged 50.


Sony has released some of that footage along with this announcement about the global premieres. 


"Michael Jackson has an army of fans everywhere around the world," Sony's chairman Jeff Blake said.


"By rolling out this film simultaneously worldwide, we are giving audiences an incredible opportunity to join together in celebration of Michael Jackson's incredible career."


There will be red carpet arrivals and activities from the Los Angeles event broadcast by satellite to the other premieres taking place.


After the worldwide celebration of the motion picture, the first public screenings of the film will begin.


It will offer fans a rare, behind-the-scenes look at the performer as he developed, created and rehearsed for his sold-out concerts that would have taken place beginning this summer in London's O2 Arena.


Chronicling the months from March to June 2009, the film is produced with the support of Jackson's estate.


The film will be in cinemas worldwide for a limited two-week run from October 28.


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