Hitler In Shock 'Mass Murderer' Aids Advert

Many would like to forget him but Germany will soon be seeing much more of Hitler - with a new Aids awareness campaign depicting the Nazi leader having sex.


The 'Aids is a mass murderer' campaign was organised by Regenbogen e.V

The confronting advert shows blurred clips of a couple having sex before the end reveals the man as Hitler.

The 'Aids is a mass murderer' campaign will be shown on German TV and in cinemas ahead of World Aids Day on December 1.

The agency that created the advert said there was no better way to get the public's attention.

"We asked ourselves what face we could give to the virus, and it couldn't be a pretty face," said Dirk Silz, creative director at the Das Committee advertising agency.

"The campaign is designed to shake people up, to bring the topic of Aids back to centre stage, and to reverse the trend of unprotected sexual intercourse."

Hitler is not the only mass murderer chosen for the series of adverts - suggestive posters of Joseph Stalin and Saddam Hussein will follow.

The campaign was organised by German Aids awareness group Regenbogen e.V.

While the nature of the adverts are shocking enough, they have also been criticised for stigmatising those with HIV - the virus that causes Aids.

Worldwide some 30 million Aids sufferers have died and almost 6,000 more die every day, according to the campaign.

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