Manslaughter Investigation Targets Jackson Doctor

The personal physician who tried to revive a dying Michael Jackson has been named as the target of a manslaughter probe into the singer's death.

Conrad Murray
A search warrant filed Thursday allowed authorities to seek "property or items constituting evidence of the offence of manslaughter that tend to show that Dr Conrad Murray committed the said criminal offence".


The warrant was filed a day after agents seized items from the physician's Houston clinic and a rented storage unit.Murray, 51, was with Jackson as he died and has been a key figure in the monthlong investigation since the beginning.


The search of his clinic indicated authorities were focusing on him, but the warrant language made it clear he's authorities, but did not comment further.


Murray was hired as Jackson's personal physician just weeks before he died. He was in Jackson's rented Los Angeles mansion when the pop star was found unconscious. Assistant Chief Coroner Ed Winter said Thursday he had sought information from "seven or eight" doctors and Murray is the only one he has yet to talk to.


Winter said Chernoff had offered to speak with the coroner Friday.

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