Love To Dress Up Bruno? Fine!

You love to get fancy with clothing and accessories, and our poor dog has been dragged into it, with no input from him. Well, pet owners in the UK may soon face prosecution for dressing up their pooch.

The RSPCA is pressuring for legal action be taken for endangering animals that are overdressed. This means we must say adieu to those adorable puppy boots, hoodies, pant suits, Halloween costumes and pink tutus.

Pet fashions have come a long way in recent years, with notorious celebrities such as Paris Hilton seen publicly carrying her dog Tinkerbell in costumes of every breed. High end designers are now creating canine couture, and department stores are carrying their lines.

Is it an animal or an accessory? A pet or a child?

Dorset RSPCA spokeswoman Jo Barr said: 'Dog owners should be aware that under the Animal Welfare Act that came into force in April 2007 they have a duty of  care to ensure that all of their pets' needs are met.

'One of those needs is to express normal behaviour and it could mean that with  restrictive clothing they are not able to do that properly.

'We're concerned that any pet should be viewed as a fashion accessory. Taking on an animal is a long-term commitment. It's quite humiliating and sends out the wrong message about pet care.


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