The historic Tacky Falls, St Mary PDF Print E-mail

Tacky, a Coromantee Chief was from the Guinea area of the West Coast of Africa, as were many of the slaves sold to plantations in the St. Mary's Parish of Jamaica.


Tacky Falls named after the maroon warrior who led one of the two slave rebellions

He led the rebellion against the British in 1760 which one historian described as "...the most significant slave rebellion in the Caribbean until the Haitian Revolution in 1790".


One of the permanent tributes to Tacky's role in this country's history is the naming of a waterfall near Islington in St Mary, in his honour, for the waterfall and environs played a very important role in the rebellion.


Accessing the falls


Tacky Falls is accessible by the sea but the overland route is considered by locals to be too tough to travel. To access the falls by land can be very tricky, going only via a very steep, slippery, heavily overgrown.


This small, remote waterfall named after Tacky is not your traditional waterfall like Dunn's River or Reggae Falls where one can frolic in the water with wild abandon. During the rainy season, this waterfall comes raging over a high cliff which is around 40 feet high with a torrent so fierce that anyone near it could be washed away into the deep ravine below.


Tacky Falls is not significant from an entertainment point of view, but rather because of its historical significance during the rebellion led by Tacky. It is said that at the edge of the ravine, there are caves under the huge rocks which lead to a clear cool underground lake where Tacky was able to hide from the British and surreptitiously conduct his very successful assaults. The exact location of the cave where they found Tacky's men, having committed suicide rather than going back to slavery is not known.




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