"Leave Work, Go Make Babies"... Canon Tells Employees PDF Print E-mail

Japan based electronics giant Canon is giving  its employees extra time off to go make babies.  Many in Jamaica and elsewhere would say "I woulda gi mi eye teet, fi dat privilege."

Japanese need to have more babies

The birthrate of 1.34 in Japan is  below the level needed to  maintain the country’s  population. In a country where 12-hour workdays are common, Canon sends its employees home early twice a week to encourage them to have more babies.



"Canon has a very strong birth planning program," says the company's spokesman Hiroshi Yoshinaga. "Sending workers home early to be with their families is a part of it."


Japan in the midst of an unprecedented recession, so corporations are being asked to work toward fixing another major problem: the country's low birthrate.  At 1.34, the birthrate is well below the 2.0 needed to maintain Japan's population, according to the country's Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare.Keidanren, Japan's largest business group, with 1,300 major international corporations as members, has issued a plea to its members to let workers go home early to spend time with their families and help Japan with its pressing social problem.


One reason for the low birth rate is the 12-hour workday. But there are several other factors compounding the problem -- among them, the high cost of living, and social rigidity toward women and parenting. In addition, Japan's population is aging at a faster pace than any other country in the world.Analysts and sociologists say  the world's second-largest economy faces its greatest threat from its own social problems, rather than outside forces.


And the country desperately needs to make some fixes to its current social and work structures.Canon says its 5:30 p.m. lights-out program is one simple step toward helping address the population problem. It also has an added benefit: Amid the global economic downturn the company can slash overtime across the board twice a week."It's great that we can go home early and not feel ashamed," said employee Miwa Iwasaki. 



source :  edited from CNN

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