Jamaica House Live - Tonight PDF Print E-mail
Want to tell PM Golding what's on your mind?. Join Jamaica House Live, tonight.

The monthly call in radio programme hosted by Prime Minister Bruce Golding will be aired tonight at 8:30pm. This will be the last programme for the year.

Jamaica House Live’ will resume in January of 2009. The programme is aired on the last Wednesday in each month and allows Jamaicans at home and abroad, to call and speak with the Prime Minister on any issue or concern that they might have. 

Listeners can tune in to Jamaica House Live through Nationwide Radio Digital AM, RJR 94 FM, Kool 97 FM, Irie FM, Bess FM, Love 101, Hot 102, Power 106 FM, KLAS FM and Roots FM. They can also call 960-7739, 960-9853, 926-7527, 968-2019, local toll free 1 888-991-7785 and toll free from U.S.A. and Canada 1-888-527-6121 or email: This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it .   

The programme will run from 8:30 – 10:00 p.m. 

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